Thursday, 18 December 2014

... This was to give me a Hug, she said that i know your the head of year but she also included something else in the end but i can remember. And he in the end he did and accpeted it and hugged him too, i felt like the need of having that hug of course my teacher did as well give me a hug before he came in i was so happy with their reaction it felt to me that they showed that they loved/liked the person i am. However i then headed back to form because i had carol service and they stayed chatting... But there's still one thing that i haven't meantion to you yet ...
Their faces were shocking tp what i was expecting :) my head of teacher i heard most he told me that how to know you love candles and he said straight away oh yeah your sometimes in my class for your lessons amd i said yeah then they carried on opening it and they found a box of choclates of 'Ferro Rocher' and my head of teacher said you know (name) thse are my fabourite choclates from Ferro Rocher, i love them alot, my teacher and him both said there was no need for this, the card you gave me was lovely i really loved it and made me feel proud to have done my job in helping you. And thank you for those beautiful inspirational words they carried on talking to me about the card and present thing until my teacher had encouraged him to do something... 
And he came in and said hello (name) and i said hello sir, my teacher recovered what i told her about the blog and something else that i told her to him and he did agree with her and was pleased to hear what he heard like she did, that made me smile. However, it got to the moment when she said so what have you brought us :) and i said i hope you like it sorry about the wrapping not my best wrapping, i gave them the present each one of them. And she asked me do u want us to open it now or on christmas day? I reply now if you dont mind and so they did ....
I reached to school late because i had an appointment to go, i sign in i went to lesson but when it was time to go to break i went and went straight to my teachers room with my bag (as you may guess whats inside it) i waited outside because she was on the phone... but then it reacher my turn to go in so i did and she said what are the good news and i told her that i wanted to give the presents and she said i think its better to give at different times because your head of year is certainly really busy but then i looked side ways and there he was passing by and i said maybe not he just passed over there and she assumed that he was coming here and...
Just finished school today, and i'm so happy and smiley today of what happened :D
Today has finally, reached the day - in give them both my presents that i've brought, and seeing their reactiom to them. However also to let my head of year more about this discision that i took about the blog and something else that i have not yet told him because of his leaving time. But yet i have told my teacher. Also school ends :( i know its a good thing in getting some rest from the mock exams especially fighting throigh these problems. But... i will miss lessons, becaise i love going to school, learnong new things also i do love all the teachers i dont even dislike none of them at all... the moment is yet to come lets see how it goes today :/