Saturday 10 January 2015

Today, he wouldn't stop coming to my mind. Do i really love him? Hum... the probelm is that nothing is ever gonna happen between me and him. Thats one of the things that hurt me. Another is that im in year 11 and is the last year at school, so its the last time i'll see him. That hurts me too because i wont see him no more.

An idea has came in mind. Which is to write a letter to him and and give to him not now, but on the last day of school, the last day i see him. On that letter i would right everything that i feel for him and everthing, and maybe i would sign my name or maybe i could keep it secretive. However, also im having in mind to write my number, because i will miss him so much that i would love to keep in contact with him, but i dont know yet. What do you think? 

Today's quote is: "No matter what happens, never feel guilty about something you've done, at least you tried your best to make things better..."