Tuesday, 3 February 2015

I had an ok day. Thinking about my boy all day along, but also had the appointment. I was ok i guess, but she has made an appointment to speak with my mum this time and if she doesn't comd she will tell the service that she asked for information to come to my housr. So i dont want that i told my mum and i havent told her what it about i told that the doctor will tell her instead. She thinks i've done something wrong. But really i haven't she just wants to alert her and keep me safe. Because of whats happened in the past. She wont tell my mum because i dont want her to, so she wont break my confience. However she does need to act and keep me safe on what it relates too. Hope it goes well the appointment :/ worried about when the appointment end that my mum will question me why i been talking about this at the doctors and all that. But i wont tell her the secret. But i will tell her a bit of the truth.

Today's post, will link to a song which is:
Good morning, yestuday went alright. I talked with my baby (boyfriend), which was the so sweet and lovely to talk to him. I love him so much, he's made me feel so speacil and a bit more confience, and since we've been going out i have been more happier and all that :D The teacher, i think i've forgotten him already i just like him as a teacher and i dont look at his room or his car in the morning or afternoon now, and now i dont even care if i see him. Because my baby is by hunni and i'm happy too be with him. He's my only one. :) Today i have the talk with the doctors lets see how it goes. I think i will just lie, or maybe i womt have too. I'll see. Yesturday, hum... no prgress made, lets see today. I have extended a little bit of a conversation yesturday with these girls in my year. Because at lunch they came to sit next to me and started talking about the prom in front of random year 10 it was so akward...

Today quote: " Every single person was born for a reason. Every single person has somebody special in their hearts both family, friends or even boyfriend/girlfriend. Every single person will fight for their dreams and wishes to become true. Every single person will live a true love story with their partner..."