Well, today was a .... don't even know. It was ok but not a so good day. First with the good. Well, at lunch i managed to ask 1-2 girls from my year, to sit down on the table, i asked if i could, and they allowed me too, so i did. Did eat my lunch, but no conversation made, though they did talk to one another, no voice was made/came from me.
Another good thing, is that i'm managed to talk a little more than before, but still need improving. Somebody came to me today to talk about something, but then she said she would talk to me another time about it. I thought about it and went to her and said because i had a certain lesson and she had another we could maybe walk together and you could tell me and see said yeah. So after lesson finished no movement came from her, i walked to my locker and she walked off but then when as i was walking in the same direction as hers for me to go to my lesson and her to hers, i managed to start a conversation once again.
And ask (name) what were you saying about the thing you wanted to tell me. And we had 1 or 2 conversations about the subject matter of what she wanted to tell me. But then i went to lesson as normal without speaking to her, and she went to hers, and that's when the not so good thing starts...
As i was walking to lesson guess who i saw. I was imaging to see him already there because i saw some students from my year that had a lesson with him at that time so... yeah i saw him. my reaction was like oh no. i smiled to not give away my feeling, but of course he had no notice of me at all. I did feel relief as he left, because of course i didnt see have to look at him no more. Seriously when is this love that i feel for him going to end. I just cant forget him especially when i see him everyday.
However i did see already, when i had an assembly, he said good morning to everyone as passin him repeatly as waiting for them to saying it to him, if you know what i mean. But there were a few replys, although there were, i wasn't one of them. It was hard because although i'm quiet and shy, i need to get rid of this passion i feel for him first before, then i can talk normally if i'm able to froma relationship from student to teacher.
As i walk pass school, i tend to think he will be in many places where he normally is, but before i reach that place i wish and wish inside of me for him for him not to be there. Sometimes i'm very lucky others it doesn't seem the case, but i need to find a way of getting through this.
Quote: "Just like a fairytale, everyone has an ending, may start as seeming emotive and intersting. As it getts to the middle, you start realising that life is not as perferct as you want it to be. When it reaches the end, everything changes to being all beautiful and magical in living happliy ever after."
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