Saturday 3 January 2015

Not much to say today, but one thing that i've been noticing is that i cant resist or regret food now when i see it (e.g. at dinner time, lunch time - mostly). I think this all started because of those stupid desserts at christmas and new year, if i didnt eat them i would have looked more perfect. I think i look a bit fatter and on tuesay more dessert to be eaten because of sister's birthday. When will this eating desire finish :( ??? Now that i've started eating more i will find it more difficult to eat less i know i just start eating just a little bit more, but that make alot of difference to me. And of course my weight will go up but my happiness will decress again... I dont know when i will have that smile like everyone else has, the desire of wanting to live, instead i don't the point in life. I dont see the importance in life, i dont see how come people see the beauty and matter to be special in life... Today's links with the quote: "Everything happens for a reason."