Wednesday 24 June 2015

Back To Posting ;)

It's been a long time since i haven't written, lots of good and bad moments have happened. Good well, no more love story have happened for that uncle, i only see him as a special uncle and no more than that. Another good moment I've recently met a new guy off online, who's friends with my cousin, and on Sunday it's been 1 month since we met online, i feel a special and strong feeling for him, i keep being confused of what i feel for him, i asked for a time apart from each other, but it doesn't work, because the more i'm separated from talking to him, i think even more about him. I want to meet him. :) And see how things go :D But for bad, those in-secures are still there, and won't go away, still shy, still have low self-esteem, still no happy well,  kind of, because i think i'm useless, and ugly, but i have been saying that less, which probably is a good thing :) I will try and maintain writing, because as you may know i love expressing my emotions with text :)