Tuesday 13 January 2015

Today is a day too forget, i feel asleep in the morning. I had no counceller because she was absent. I saw him .... in lesson and nearly walked into him. We havent talked for ages :( i miss thoughs timez, i feel loke revealing the emotion to him... i dont know i just feel like no should derseve me. I felt like if my counceller wasnt there maybe it was she hated me for telling her about the weight. Or maybe she felt to herself ahe dint wasnt to talk to me know more because she knew it was yet to come about my secret i dont know reasons and reasons got inside my head. But i felt maybe i shouldnt reveal it to her because i was going to today and on the way i felt what words i should use but once i reached the room it was pointless she wasnt there... A year 7 boy ran in to me and of ciurse i didnt say anything because im shy and quiet and not brave to speak up. This girl told me something well shes my friend but not she not my age i knew her from parents friends. She told me that this boy asked her what year i was? And she told him i was in year 11, he didnt believe it because him and some year 7's thoight i was in year 7 just because im small... seriously its not my fault and including to this my doctor said i was at normal average of height and weight. So ... but still i feel i should lose more weight for those reasons i told you... Today i dont feel that inspired to quote so i will leave you with a song instead.
